Credits and Colophon

This app was created by Wade J. Love. It is intended for entertainment purposes and is not an authoritative nor comprehensive reference of sailing terminology.

It was built using HTML5, CSS3, jQuery 3.3.1, and SVG 1.1. Code was composed on Eclipse Mars, Notepad++, and Atom.


Sailboat Whachamcallit Flowchart seeks to be WCAG 2.1 compliant to at least AA level. I've used the WAVE toolbar and manual testing, but as a one-person hobby project I can never be certain. I welcome all suggestions to improve accessibility of this app.


Sailboat Whachamacallit Flowchart, its source code, and all related images are released under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

This means you are free to share and adapt this work as long as you give appropriate credit, do not use any material for commercial use, and distribute your contributions under the same license. See the links for details.

Source Repository

This work is hosted in a Git repository on Atlassian Bitbucket.

Questions or Comments

The author welcomes feedback about this app. Please send an e-mail to wadejlove (spamblock)(at) cobaltduck (dot) info.

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Creative Commons License Download sailmacallit from Atlassian Bitbucket Level AA conformance, W3C WAI Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1